Wednesday, May 19, 2010


When we came home from work on Monday, the walls we don't like were gone. We can now refer to them as the walls we didn't like.

The shock has not worn off.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Plastica for household goodies

We stopped by Platica's expansion party last night and purchased a classic Plastica item--the plastic kettle from Ghana. We are using it to water our plants. The store looks great! Congratulations, Carla!

Tokyo 524

We'll be enjoying some one room livin' while wall removal is going on in the kitchen.

A timely visit from Jesse

This is our friend Jesse. He came out to make sure we had our electrical lines cleared so the walls we don't like can be safely removed. He's awesome.

The kitchen is all clear and ready for the crew to come in and take out the walls we don't like while we're at our other jobs. It's an epic week at 524.

rusty chic details

Mark made this spaghetti portion pig when he was 9.

The floors are so uneven that sometimes we feel like we're on a boat.

interim kitchen (a.k.a. rusty chic)


When we removed the plaster and lath from the walls we don't like, we could finally see from the front of our house to the back.

Shirty Time Capsule

As we were taking the plaster and lath off of the walls we don't like, I was thinking it would be really cool to find a time capsule. Moments later, I discovered this little striped bundle inside one of the walls (gold, secrets, a thumb?). We struggled to pull it out only to find is was a piece of a shirt stuffed into a hole.


This is what we were doing when we took that dusty holiday picture. Plaster removal is fun for about the first 20 minutes.

Walls we don't like

We've been wanting to tear down the walls that divide the kitchen from the dining room and mud room since before we bought the house.

It's not easy going green

Two weeks ago, we had to clear some growth for LA's annual brush clearance. Mark's old bike was found in the weeds.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Nail gun + finger = you can imagine how this ends.